当前位置:首页> Eisenberg Personality Test > 艾森克人格测验:探索人类性格的秘密


心理学领域,人格测验是研究人类性格的一种重要方法。其中,以德国心理学家埃里克· 埃森克(Eric Kummer)为代表的“艾森克人格测验”是最为知名的 personality test 之一。该测试旨在探索人类性格的秘密,为我们提供关于个体的特征、思想行为方式的一些建议。

艾森克人格测验是一种量化式的调查方法,总共包含50道问题,每个问题都具有明确的答案选择。通过回答这些问题,我们可以对个人的性格进行分类。该测试将人类性格划分为三大类别,即 extraversion(外向型)、agreeableness(和藕型)和 conscientiousness(谨慎型),每种类型下又有多种子类型。

extraversion 型的人群 tends to be more outgoing and sociable, seeking social interaction and adventure. They are often the life of the party, enjoying being around others and trying new things. On the other hand, agreeableness型的人群 tends to be more cooperative and compassionate, valuing harmony and cooperation with others. They are often the peacemakers, trying to find common ground and resolve conflicts peacefully. Finally, conscientiousness 型的人群 tends to be more organized and responsible, prioritizing duty and obligation over personal desires. They are often the ones who keep things running smoothly and efficiently.


